Sunday, December 19, 2010

Zuni Elf on the Shelf

The redhead and I were discussing how creepy Elf on the Shelf™ is, which led to me suggesting that we just get the Zuni doll from Trilogy of Terror and put an elf hat on it, which led to Photoshop, which led to this.

Zuni Elf on the Shelf


Daryl Gregory said...

All hail the zuni elf! If you put him inside Santa's sack, does he saw his way out?

SJ D'Avria said...

we killed ours off yesterday and blogged his obituary:

J.R. Jenks said...

I think putting the Zuni Elf in the sack stopped him, Daryl. Look inside to make sure, would you?

J.R. Jenks said...

SJ, thanks for the chuckle. Glad to know that the redhead and I aren't the only ones who find those darned Elves on the Shelves creepy.