Saturday, April 4, 2009

The return of the Banjo versus TV project

I'm bringing back the Banjo versus TV project.

I was really pleased with the way the project worked out last year. Since I first made my resolution in January of 2008 and started tracking my banjo time against my TV time, I've really gotten a lot more banjo time in. Take a look at the numbers. On the right are my 2008 banjo hours (in blue) and on the left are my Q3-2007 and Q4-2007 estimated banjo hours (in purplish-red).

Banjo Time 2007 and 2008

See how much more banjo time I had in 2008? Great stuff! Pat on the back for me!

And then it stopped. Starting on January 1st, 2009, I hit a dry spell, banjo-wise. I was a much better player than I'd been one year prior, but I wasn't a better practicer.

So I'm bringing it back, maybe for good. Sunday March 1st, 2009, marked the beginning of week 53 of the Banjo versus TV project. That's the day that I picked up my old steno pad and started tracking my banjo and TV hours again. (Yeah, that means I'm a few weeks behind in my blogging. I'll catch up.)

It's the same plan — spend as much time on my banjo as I spend on television — and the same rules apply. I'll continued to post to both my personal blog and to my blog at the Banjo Hangout.

Big thanks to Dave, my banjo teacher, who suggested that I continue this project. "I'm a big fan of what works," Dave said. "And this works for you."

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