Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Mark Your Calendars: Plucky Rosenthal in Willmette, Illinois

Plucky Rosenthal -- The Jewish Star of Stage and Stage

Speaking of banjos, ukelele and Vaudeville — You were just speaking of that, right? — I just got this email from Plucky Rosenthal, whom you'll remember from my post last September. She's putting on a show in Wilmette, Illinois, that sounds wonderful.

Hello, friends!

I am so excited to announce an amazing show that I co-produced and am headlining THIS April Fool's Day at the movie theatre in Wilmette! What better way to spend a Thursday? It starts at 7:30 and I'll have you home in time for Leno.

As some of you know, I've been working hard on my vaudeville-style comedy act for a year now, and this is my producing and headlining debut. For one night only, you can see more than just my usual five minute shtick - you get a whole show! Of me! Can you stand it?? With some of my very favorite Chicago vaudevillians opening for me and in the setting of a beautiful old movie theatre, this is not a show to be missed. But not to fear! if you must miss it, I have many other chances coming up for you to see me rock a ukulele and banjo 1920's-style.

This is the only mass e-mail I'll ever send out, so please let me know if I got your e-mail address by mistake. Otherwise, make sure to check me out on Facebook and MySpace to keep up with further performance dates - and soon will be the launch of my website where I officially become a dot com!

I'd recommend getting your tickets for the April 1st show ahead of time since this venue is known to sell out. And with new-fangled technology, you can do just that at this very link!,040120101930,2,1796,

Lookit all those numbers in that hyperlink. How can you say no to that?

Hope to see "uke" there!
Exclamatorily yours,
As ever,
Alisa/Plucky Rosenthal

Become a Pluckateer. TODAY!

You should go.

Cross-posted at J.R.'s Banjo Hangout blog

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